I hate to tempt fate by announcing that we have dismantled the crib for the last time. Ainsley was getting herself in and out of it anyway, so we thought a bed might be a little safer. We bought bunk beds when Ellie moved out of the crib, knowing that they'd probably share a room at some point, so we just needed the mattress and bedding. The girls were so excited about the new beds that it took them a while to actually go to sleep. They seem to be having the same problem tonight.
Now if we could just be done with diapers...
Bizarro world continues...I think we're going shopping for bunk beds this weekend. And I too am longing for the end of diapers.
Congratulations on graduating to big girl beds ... and if you figure out how to get rid of diapers, could you let me know?
maybe Chris wants your crib...
You are totally tempting fate with that comment! I can't believe you actually published it. Good luck.
Wow, Melissa is right. I'm pretty sure that you've just delivered the official summons to Cherubim. I'm sure the flaming sword will be there too.
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