Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Prima donnas in training

If I add six photos today does it make up for all the daily photos I've missed this week? I had a hard time narrowing down my favorites from Ellie's performance. Here's Ellie with her little shadow, just before leaving for Kingsbury Hall:

She is the baby swan right in the middle, in front of Rothbart—she danced beautifully, and loved every minute of it! Luckily they only banned flash photography, and I didn't use one.

They let the girls in Act I watch the rest of the first half, so I caught Ellie for a quick photo during the intermission:

Thanks to everyone in Ellie's cheering section!

Ainsley is the second prima donna in training. Only promises of a treat kept her from twirling in the aisle the entire time.

Two very happy girls!


Amanda Morgan said...

Darling! You've made me rethink our "boys only" policy!

Rachel said...

Fun! I actually went to see the Friday night performance - my friend's daughter was in it and I went. Really neat ballet company, isn't it?

Swimmingmom said...

First of all, your girls are beautiful and I love their outfits in the first picture! How fun that your daughter dances. She looks beautiful.