Saturday, May 9, 2009

As Ainsley says, "Congratuwations Dad!"

I think Joey summed it up pretty well in his prayer last night: "we're thankful that Dad got graduated today."

Here's his EMBA-team:

And his B-team:

And the A-team expanded:

We had a minor meltdown when one of the gameboy batteries died, but the boys made it through the reading of over 1,000 names without having to be escorted off-premise by mom security.

Of course now Rob's all hyped up about the idea of a PhD, which is a little scary.

But not quite as scary as the short period of time before this is a reality:


Swimmingmom said...

Congratulations Rob! How exciting!!!! Just think of all the extra time he will have now!

K said...


Wow, even after a gameboy battery died no one had to alert mom security, impressive.