Friday, June 4, 2010

Shedding a few pounds...

No, I'm not talking about my quest to get in shape before the marathon, although I'm working on that.

This is all about an item that's been on my "to do" list since fall, when the kids went back to school. These are our toy cupboards. I love that the toys are behind closed doors.

But I hate opening those doors, and we have many toys the kids have outgrown. The toys they do still want to play with have been too hard to find in the chaos.
I knew this wasn't a job I could do with kids home, but leaving it until the last day and a half of school was procrastinating even for me.
Now that we have a little room to spare in here, I can move some of the girl's toys down and out of their already-crowded room.

I even tackled the huge pile of clothes that is always the result of growing kids and changing seasons.

I LOVE to get rid of things. It always feels good to simplify and organize. You'd think I'd get a clue and quit buying stuff. But even when I don't it seems to multiply and reproduce all on its own.
If only getting rid of my excess body weight were this easy...


Melissa said...

Oh, I'm so jealous. Good work on getting that done! Both of those things are still on my to do list just waiting for me to get around to them.

Julie said...

Ok, i feel so much better right now! I just entered blogland for the first time in weeks and wanted to see what you were up to . . . Apparently your summer has been as crazy as mine with the minimal June posts :-). Let's go for a run soon and catch up!

Natalie Allen said...

oh hi. i hate not being able to stalk your life.