Monday, February 3, 2014


Posted May 11, 2014.

I know, all three of you who used to read this blog have long since given up on me, but I'm going to try to make a comeback. Chronologically, of course...blame my OCD.

So, back to February. We spent our first full month here in Fitou, and loved the rental home, the village, the relaxed pace and the warm weather. Here are a few highlights:

The view!

We took more photos of the view from our windows and porch than I care to admit. Even Rob, the photo scrooge, couldn't help himself. The light was amazing. I need someone who is a combination of Monet and Cezanne to paint it for me.


We brought a set of exercise DVD's, and were pretty diligent about our killer workout with Shaun T 3-4 mornings each week. 

Yummy food.

The workouts helped us justify a few too many delicious pastries. We loved exploring the large supermarkets for new and unusual (to us) foods, and were practically on a first-name basis at a boulangerie in nearby Leucate.


Knowing that there was still several feet of snow in our yard in Salt Lake made it that much more enjoyable. We took advantage of the warm weather to work, study and read outside whenever possible.

And even inside, it was light and way more fun than an office or classroom!


I'm not sure it's often done, but the kids even FINISHED a game of monopoly (the UK version, which was fun). We also played Cluedo, cards, Yahtzee, and read many books. 

We even had entertainment by the silly sisters:


Don't worry, we didn't spend the whole month shut up inside. The countryside was beautiful, vineyards everywhere.

And the village was charming.

The beach!

I'm pretty sure the kids favorite thing to do was spend time at the beach, which was only a five minute drive. Too cold for swimming, but there is something magical about sand and sea.

We also made multiple day-trips to nearby cities, which I'll cover in other posts...hopefully soon. :)


Unknown said...

So glad for the update! Love and miss you all so much! By the way, I love the pictures of the doors!

Kimberly said...

Hooray for updates and pretty pictures and skies and beaches and seeing your cute faces!

Jodi said...

I'm sure you have heard it already, but what an incredible experience for your family! Love seeing all the photos and reading about the adventure.