Friday, May 27, 2011

Photo Scrooge Discovers New Level of Purgatory

I'm actually posting this on June 16th, but backdating to satisfy my OCD need for order.

We all know how he feels about photos; today Photo Scrooge discovered something he likes even less: preschool. I had to be at the hospital for cataract surgery at 8:00 a.m., so after he dropped me off, he came home and got Ainsley ready for her last day of preschool. It was Circus Day, and we got a note saying parents were welcome to come, although it would mostly be a performance for the kids' entertainment. Well, Ainsley wanted us to come, and after seeing her perform the gorilla rap, it seemed promising. It was kind of a big deal, last day of preschool for our youngest. I probably would have been fighting back tears, because as tough as they can sometimes be, I LOVE toddlers and preschoolers. I feel like every one of Ainsley's milestones is bittersweet. So it's probably a good thing that unsentimental Rob went. When I got out of surgery I found the following text messages waiting for me:

"Most annoying program ever. Lame teacher skits."
"Worse than a dance recital."
And finally, "I'd rather be having eye surgery."

1 comment:

Amy said...

This is totally hysterical. I've never even told Landon when the preschool "graduations" are because I can barely tolerate them; Landon would be pulling his eyelashes out !!

How's your eye? Better depth perception yet?