Monday, June 20, 2011

Been there, done that, blah, blah, blah

When I'm trying to play catch up here and back-dating a bunch of posts, it becomes clear that this blog is totally uninteresting unless you are pictured here, or a grandparent of someone pictured here. So feel free to skip this post if you're not.

Melissa invited us to join them at the zoo for Megan's birthday. I always take way too many photos there, and this one is standard.

It might seem like it, but I am not posting every photo. The baby lemurs were a highlight, very active and fun to watch.

Here's cute Peter, being a good sport being dressed up by his older sisters and cousins.

This is what going to the zoo with nine children looks like in the rare moments they're all in one place.

We haven't been here since the installation of the dinosaurs, so most of us enjoyed that.

Everyone except Duffy (running away), Peter (trying to run away) and Amelia (ears plugged).

We managed to convince them to pose next to this dino, which was not animatronic.

There is no such thing as a perfect shot with nine kids in it.

Every time I ride the train I question my kids judgment, but they love it.

Here's where the photo nazi in me comes out, making the kids pose for one last photo looking directly into the sun. Good times.

We're only two weeks into summer break and we've already checked off four activities on our fun list! (S'mores up the canyon, Bear Lake, Slurpees at the park and the zoo). Yay!

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