Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bear Lake Scout Camp

We got home from Silver Moccasin on Saturday night, unpacked and washed all of Robbie's clothes, then repacked and sent him off on Monday morning for another week of camp, this time with his troop at Bear Lake Aquatics Camp. I got a photo before they left, and once again sent the point-and-shoot camera with Robbie.

He didn't take any photos, but luckily one of the dads that went took a few and sent copies:

The rest of us had time over two weeks to appreciate and miss Robbie. I was especially grateful to have him come home safe and sound, because there was a scout at the camp who died while they were there. So sad. It was a sobering experience. In spite of that, Robbie had a great time, and earned a bunch of merit badges: environmental science, rifle shooting, canoeing, first-aid, leather work and Indian lore.

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