Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grandma, don't panic.

Today I got the call from the school that no parent wants—Robbie had an accident at recess. He did a face plant on the gravel from platform height on the jungle gym. One of his glasses lenses was shattered, and his face took a serious beating. Just stop here if you don't want to see it. As Shawn discovered at Lotoja, I believe in photographing the good, the bad and the ugly.

This was taken just after he came home (well, I did get him some Ibuprofen and ice first, I'm not a complete monster). It actually looked much worse in real life.

This is after a couple of hours. It really started swelling, in spite of the ice pack and Vitamin I.

It didn't start to turn purple until later tonight though. Tomorrow's photo is sure to be worse.

But Robbie is a tough kid. He was so disappointed that I took him to the eye doctor instead of letting him go to swim team practice. He did make it to scouts, and wanted to go to basketball practice too, but I was relieved when it was cancelled. He reassures me that he is fine.


Melissa said...


Aimerz said...

Oh my gosh! I hope he has a speedy recovery. Poor guy. :( It looks like he had a doozy of a fall. I loved how each photo showed his are such a great photographer...:)

Julie said...

Hope he's doing better - it was great to see you both yesterday! I got your message - I'll call you next week and maybe we can squeeze in a breakfast, otherwise if you want to wait another week we can go for dinner and a movie - you pick!


skinny said...

Robbie - The appropriate response is "You should see the other guy." Nice shiner.