Saturday, March 22, 2014

Couscous and Auto Museum

Posted June 20, 2015

Ellie here, again. *Applause* Today I am blogging about having lunch with the Mezzasalma family, and going to the car museum with Joey, Ainsley and my dad. Below, Alexia, furthest to the left, is folding her napkin, I am pouring water into my cup, and Ainsley is smiling for the camera. There should be a Law that they call the Law of Photography, that says, "You can never take a perfect picture. At least one person will look down, make a funny face, etc." So, what do you think? Anyway, we had couscous at this lunch. It's kind of like rice. It has a very distinct taste, definitely an experience worth having.

Another photo...

Look at Alexia and me, and then remind yourself of the Law of Photography.

Now, here we are at the Auto Museum. Oh, and might I add that nobody quite does faces like me.

We saw some pretty weird cars at the museum. Pay attention to my face in each of the photos, they are pretty amazing.

We named this car the Jackie Robinson car, because it has his number, 42.

We loved this Fat International car.

Here we are at the end of the tour.

And a picture before we climb into the car...

And here are a few of the logos we saw on the cars. So, how did you enjoy looking at the pictures for the Law of Photography? 

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