Saturday, January 30, 2010

Runners make better friends

"Beyond the purely physical aspects, there are four elements to the running experience: competition, contemplation, conversation, companionship."
~George Sheehan

I did not warn anyone that I'd be bringing my camera this morning, and no one really wanted a photo at eight a.m. Thanks for being good sports anyway! (left to right: Lisa, Lupita, Mandy, Krisse).

Every time we move, one of the first things I do is put the word out that I'm looking for running partners. I've enjoyed running races, and sometimes I need the quiet of a solo run, but I love the conversation and companionship of running with friends. I love the added incentive to get out of bed, knowing that someone is waiting for me. I love how I push myself a little harder, and how fast the time flies. I love the variety and depth of conversation that running seems to generate. Most of all, I'm grateful for the friendships that have been formed over the miles.


Melissa said...

I may have to join you because I can't seem to get out on my own.

Swimmingmom said...

I remember a few of those mornings when you'd come pick me up to go run at the U's track or at sugarhouse. You were way faster than me, but it was nice to get out there! I could use you now!